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Naphthalene Ball Making Machine for set up a Small Business

Naphthalene Ball Making Machine is a good option for Small Business and to be self-dependent by investing little money.

Demand and Market of Naphthalene Ball:
Naphthalene Balls are used to prevent from the attack of insects. With the Naphthalene Ball Making Machine, you can make Naphthalene Ball and after packing it you may sell it or supply orders from local market.
It needs a Govt. License to start this business.

How to make Naphthalene Ball:
You can buy Naphthalene Powder from the market. It is available in the market of Barobazar Bournfield Lane. The price is approximately Rs.150 per kg.
At first buy Naphthalene Powder and some necessary chemicals. Now you have to pour the powder and chemicals of indicated quantity in the hopper of the machine. You may use different dies for making different sizes of Naphthalene Balls.
Now start the machine and Naphthalene Ball will be made automatically.

Price of the Naphthalene Ball Making Machine:
The price of the Automatic Naphthalene Ball Making Machine is approximately Rs.55, 000 and the price of each dies is approximately Rs.1000.
The price of the semi automatic Packet Sealing Machine is approximately Rs.20, 000 and price of the hand-operated packet sealing machine is approximately Rs.1, 000.

Where to buy the Naphthalene Ball Making Machine:
You can afford the Naphthalene Ball Making Machine from the address below-
Bharat Machine Tools Industries,
61, Ganesh Chandra Avenue, Kolkata-700013,
Phone No. 2236 8015

You can find many companies manufacturing a wide range of Coil Binding machine. Their machine matches high technology electronic control.

To read the reviews and buy the Automatic Coil Binding Machine visit websites
                                                                                                                                         2nd May, 2012 KK

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