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Slipper Making Machine and Shoe Making Machine for set up a Small Business

Slipper Making Machine and Shoe Making Machine for set up a Small Business:

Demand and Market of Slippers:
The demand of Slippers is seen all through the year. With this Slipper Making Machine, you may start a Small Business easily. You may set up a Small Business with Slipper Making Machine. It is a good option for Small Business and to be self-dependent by investing little money.

How to make Slippers through the Slipper Making Machine:
At first you have to buy sheet of rubber and straps. You may afford these from the market of Barobazar or Park Street in Kolkata. Further you need 1 to 9 sized dies and drill machine. Now fit the dies in the machine and press machine, the rubber sheet will be cut in particular size or measurement. Now you need the drill machine. In the drill machine you see the punching dies. To fit the straps you have to make holes in the rubber sheets through the drill machine. Now fit the straps in the holes of the rubber sheets and the Slippers are ready to use.
You need ½ horsepower motor and 220 volts to operate the machine.

Price of the Slipper Making Machine:
The approximate price of the machine is Rs.20,000.
The price of the drill machine is approximate Rs. 2,700.
The price of the motor is about Rs. 3,000.
Each dies is approximately Rs.1200.

Where to buy the Slipper Making Machine:
Bharat Machine Tools Industries,
61, Ganesh Chandra Avenue,
Phone No. 22368015

You can find many companies manufacturing a wide range of Slipper Making Machine. Their machine matches high technology electronic control.

To read the reviews and buy the Slipper Making Machine visit websites

                                                                                                                                                11th April, 2012

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